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2022, our second year as a team, and also as participants of the FRC. This time, the challenge is a little different, consequently, new robot. Star Platinum is among us.


For this year, we have Rapid React!

That’s the name of the 2022 season, due to its main theme, transportation. It looks fun.

Our second season

2022 began with a new challenge, transportation, and so we prepared for our second season.


Star Platinum in production!

This is the name of our robot this year, if you did not understand the reference, the name comes from "Jojo, Bizzare Adventure" an anime, which as the name says, is quite bizarre, but in a way that is comical.

Social Actions 2022

In 2022 we have already made collections and donations of food and clothing, made in schools SENAI and SESI, which collected more than 200 kilograms of non-perishable food collected.

In addition to the workshops with programming, mechanical and electrical classes.

Our Visits

Throughout the year, we also made visits to some schools and colleges, to spread the role of robotics, and in addition, of course, introduce the Star Platinum!

In the OFF SEASON of 2022 we represent the state of Rio de Janeiro competing against teams from all over Brazil.

It was amazing, it was our first year competing in person, and we were much better than we imagined. We finished in ninth place, but for a brief moment, we were first and it was pure euphoria.



©2022 by Tucanus

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